Lot#50 || Chintan Upadhyay (b. 1972)

Edition 21/21
35.00 x 16.00 x 15.00 in

Estimate   5,00,000 - ₹ 7,00,000

Private Collection Mumbai
Chintan Upadhyay is renowned for his thought-provoking artworks that critique society with wit. His signature motif of babies as depicted in this lot known as Chintus/ Smart Alecs/Designer Babies functions as symbols that shed light on pervasive commercialism. Playful and irreverent poses challenge manipulated realities, and the politics of identity is veiled behind a charming facade. Exploring themes of genetic manipulation and mutation; the artist delves into profound aspects of life and death including consumerism and cultural dynamics in a technologically driven world.
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