The 'SkyNet' moment

For those who may not remember, SkyNet was the name of the program in the movie Terminator. The virus that initiated the rise of the machines. I refer to this moment as the SkyNet moment in art.  'The Avatar Series' is a series of artwork, a profile picture project generated using an AI engine.  GPT4o (the latest and greatest in AI) is NOT able to make out whether the art is made by a person or a computer, whether it is made as an oil on canvas or digitally. 

Responses from GPT4.0:

is this an artists work or generated by AI ?


The image you provided appears to have features that could be attributed to both human-created art and AI-generated art. However, without additional context or information, it is challenging to definitively determine its origin.

If this is an artwork you have a specific background on, such as knowing the artist or where it was sourced from, that could help clarify its origin. If it was created using an AI tool similar to the ones we've been discussing, it would share characteristics like abstract forms and potentially less refined details compared to traditional human-created art.

If you provide more information or context, I can give a more accurate assessment.


does it look like a water color or an oil on canvas ?


The artwork you've provided has a textured and somewhat vibrant appearance. Here are a few observations:

  1. Texture and Brushstrokes: The visible texture and brushstrokes, particularly in the background, suggest that this piece could be an oil painting. Oil on canvas often has a rich, textured finish due to the thickness of the paint and the ability to layer colors.
  2. Color Saturation: The colors appear deep and saturated, which is more characteristic of oil paints than watercolors. Watercolors typically have a more translucent and lighter quality.
  3. Blending and Detail: The blending of colors and the detailed, textured areas are more aligned with oil painting techniques, where artists can manipulate the paint over time before it dries.

Based on these characteristics, the artwork looks more like an oil on canvas rather than a watercolor.

can this be the original work of an artist created from ground up using oil paints or watercolors


Yes, the image you provided can indeed be the original work of an artist created from the ground up using traditional media such as oil paints or watercolors. The textures and brushstrokes visible in the image suggest it could be painted by hand, reflecting the nuances and techniques associated with traditional painting methods.

Artists often use various tools and methods to achieve similar effects, including:

  1. Oil Paints: Known for their rich texture and vibrant colors, oil paints can be used to create layered and textured effects. The blending capabilities of oil paints allow for smooth transitions and intricate details.
  2. Watercolors: While typically more translucent than oil paints, watercolors can also be used to create unique textures and effects through techniques such as wet-on-wet or dry brush.
  3. Acrylic Paints: These can mimic both the translucency of watercolors and the texture of oil paints, offering versatility in artistic expression.

Given the stylistic elements and textures, it is very plausible that this artwork was created using traditional painting techniques.


is this artwork worth buying  ?


Determining whether an artwork is worth buying depends on several factors, including personal taste, the artist's reputation, the artwork's originality, and its potential investment value. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Personal Connection: Do you feel a strong personal connection or emotional response to the artwork? Art is often a deeply personal purchase, and the value it brings to your life can be significant.
  2. Artist's Reputation: Is the artist known or emerging in the art community? Researching the artist's background, previous works, and exhibitions can give you an idea of their reputation and potential growth.
  3. Originality: Is the artwork an original piece, a limited edition, or a reproduction? Originals and limited editions are typically more valuable than reproductions.
  4. Condition: What is the condition of the artwork? Check for any damage or signs of wear that could affect its value.
  5. Market Trends: What are the current market trends for similar artworks? Looking at the sales history of similar pieces can provide insight into its potential investment value.
  6. Price: Is the price reasonable compared to similar works by the artist or within the genre? Ensuring the price aligns with the artwork's perceived value is important.
  7. Provenance: Does the artwork have a documented history of ownership? Provenance can add to the value and authenticity of a piece.

If you enjoy the artwork and it fits within your budget, it could be a worthwhile purchase for your personal collection. However, if you are looking at it as an investment, conducting thorough research and possibly consulting with art experts or appraisers could provide additional guidance.


be precise please , shall i buy the work above or not  ?


Deciding whether to buy the specific artwork you provided should be based on the following criteria:

  1. Personal Preference: If you genuinely like the piece and feel a connection to it, it could be a good purchase for personal enjoyment.
  2. Artist's Reputation: If the artist is known and has a good reputation, the artwork may have more value and potential for appreciation.
  3. Originality and Quality: If the piece is an original work and the quality is high (good condition, well-executed), it can be a worthwhile addition to your collection.

Without specific details on the artist's reputation and the asking price, it's challenging to give a definitive answer. However, if you like the piece and the price is reasonable based on your budget and similar artworks, it can be a good buy.

Ultimately, art purchases are subjective. If you feel that the artwork speaks to you and you can afford it, it might be worth buying.


do you think the above artwork should 'speak to me'  ?


Art appreciation is highly subjective and personal, so whether or not the artwork should "speak to you" depends on your individual tastes and preferences. Here are a few questions to help determine if this artwork resonates with you:

  1. Emotional Response: Does the artwork evoke any strong feelings or memories? Do you find yourself drawn to it emotionally?
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Do you find the colors, shapes, and overall composition pleasing to your eye? Does it fit well with your personal aesthetic or the style of your home or office?
  3. Intellectual Engagement: Does the artwork provoke thought or curiosity? Do you find yourself thinking about the meaning behind it or wanting to learn more about the artist and their process?
  4. Connection: Do you feel a personal connection to the subject matter or the way it is presented? Does it reflect something about your personality, values, or experiences?

If your answers to these questions are affirmative, then the artwork likely "speaks to you" and would be a meaningful addition to your collection. If not, you might want to continue searching for a piece that resonates more strongly with you.


should i buy this work or bored ape yacht club artwork ?


Choosing between this specific artwork and a piece from the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) depends on several factors, including your personal taste, investment goals, and the cultural significance you value. Here are some points to consider for each option:

Specific Artwork You Provided:

  1. Personal Taste: If you find a strong personal connection to this artwork and it resonates with you emotionally or aesthetically, it could be a fulfilling purchase for personal enjoyment.
  2. Unique Piece: This is likely a unique, one-of-a-kind piece, which can hold sentimental and potentially monetary value as an original work of art.
  3. Physical Art: Owning a physical piece can be satisfying and offers a tangible experience.

Bored Ape Yacht Club Artwork:

  1. Investment Potential: BAYC NFTs have gained significant attention and value in the digital art and cryptocurrency communities. If you're looking for an investment, BAYC NFTs have shown strong appreciation potential.
  2. Community and Utility: BAYC offers membership in an exclusive community and access to special events and perks. If you're interested in the social and utility aspects, this could be a compelling factor.
  3. Digital Asset: BAYC artworks are digital, meaning they can be easily stored, transferred, and displayed online. This is convenient if you prefer digital assets over physical art.

Decision Criteria:

  • Personal Preference: If you have a strong personal connection to the physical artwork, that might make it a more satisfying purchase.
  • Investment Goal: If your primary goal is investment and you're comfortable with the volatility and speculative nature of NFTs, BAYC might be the better choice.
  • Community Involvement: If being part of an exclusive digital community appeals to you, BAYC offers additional value beyond just the artwork.

Ultimately, if you're seeking personal enjoyment and a unique physical piece, the artwork you provided could be the right choice. If you're looking for potential financial growth and the benefits of being part of a digital community, a BAYC NFT might be the better option.


should i buy this work or a Picasso? 


Choosing between the artwork you provided and a Picasso depends on several factors:

Specific Artwork You Provided:

  1. Personal Connection: If you have a strong personal connection to this specific piece and it resonates with you emotionally or aesthetically, it could be a fulfilling purchase for personal enjoyment.
  2. Unique Piece: This is likely a unique, one-of-a-kind piece, which can hold sentimental and potentially monetary value as an original work of art.
  3. Cost: The cost might be more accessible compared to a Picasso, depending on your budget.

Picasso Artwork:

  1. Historical and Cultural Value: Picasso is one of the most famous and influential artists of the 20th century. Owning a Picasso is owning a piece of art history.
  2. Investment Potential: Picasso's works are generally considered blue-chip investments in the art world, with a proven track record of appreciating in value over time.
  3. Prestige: Owning a Picasso carries a significant amount of prestige and recognition within the art community and beyond.

Decision Criteria:

  • Budget: Picassos are typically much more expensive than works by lesser-known artists. Ensure your budget aligns with the purchase.
  • Investment: If you're looking for a stable investment with a high likelihood of appreciating, a Picasso is a strong choice.
  • Personal Enjoyment: If you love the specific artwork you provided and it brings you joy, it might be worth purchasing for personal satisfaction.
  • Cultural Significance: If owning a piece of art history is important to you, a Picasso would be a valuable addition to your collection.


  • If you prioritize investment and cultural significance, and can afford it, a Picasso is likely the better choice.
  • If you have a strong personal connection to the specific artwork and prefer a more affordable, unique piece, then purchasing the artwork you provided might be the right decision.

Ultimately, the choice should align with your personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term goals for the artwork.

Any questions?