Gobardhan Ash Retrospective: The Avant-Garde Wall of Artificial Intelligence

In the concluding week of the Gobardhan Ash Retrospective Exhibition, esteemed representatives from the Consulates of Italy, Russia, Germany, and the US honoured the event with their presence. Attention flocked towards the Revolutionary Wall of Artificial Intelligence which unveiled India's first serious modern art profile-picture project made using AI.

From left: Indrajit Chatterjee, US Consul General Ms Melinda Pavek, German Consul General Ms Barbara Voss

USIS American Centre Director Elizabeth Lee and US Consulate Political Affairs Mr Dastgir 

Indrajit Chatterjee with Consul General Italy Mr. Riccardo Dalla Costa

Deputy Consul General Italy Ms. Maria Claudia Marini

Standing from left: Italian Vice - Consulate Max Belleri and Consul General Australia Mr Kevin Goh 

German Consul General Ms Barbara Voss

Indrajit Chatterjee with Russia Consul General Mr Alexey M. Idamkin and Ms Irina 

Indrajit Chatterjee with Deputy Consul General Italy Ms. Maria Claudia Marini

Italian Vice - Consulate Max Belleri

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